Thursday 20 July 2023

 ...And the international meeting of young people, youth workers and teachers as part of the Become ECOnfident project is behind us.

Kasia, Ela, Ola, Monika, Weronika, Brigite, Lukas, Gabrielė, Kotryna, Yevhen, Maya, Adelina, Ana-Maria, Teo, Izabela - thank you for your active participation in our meeting. Indre, Ana-Bela, thank you for leading the group together.

Now we return to local activities in our project. We will advertise the results of our meeting in Poland and continue to develop the activities of our extracurricular environmental clubs.

We would like to thank Mrs. Renata Lewandowska And Mr. Leszek Kluch for the cooperation and preparation of the Polish group, and Association Evolution and Tavo Europa for their work in this next part of our project.

Monday 17 July 2023


Another EcoTrip behind us. This time we went to the ‘Land of Camomile’ in Hołowno and the Municipal Public Library in Podedwórze.

Participants of the international meeting of young people, teachers and youth workers took part in:
- natural soap making workshop
- eco-print workshops
- ecological orienteering game
- ecological quiz

We would like to thank Mrs. Diana Hetman and Mrs. Agnieszka Juchno from our partner Municipal Public Library in Podedwórze for their cooperation in organizing today's adventures.

Saturday 15 July 2023

 Today during the eco-workshop we talked about:

-how much man-made waste decomposes after it is thrown away
-What we can do with used items during handmade workshops
After the talks, we used empty plastic bottles to create our 'Eco works of art'.

Friday 14 July 2023

 On 14th of July, participants of the Become ECOnfident project visited the Regional Waste Management Plant in Dębowiec near Zamość.

During the meeting, young people from Polish, Romanian and Lithuanian Eco-clubs could see with their own eyes what the recycling process looks like from the moment containers with waste arrive at the plant.
We saw how employees, machines and computers deal with segregation and recovery of parts from waste that can be reused.
Thanks to the courtesy of the employees, we also visited the management center, where we could see all the work on the monitors and from where you can communicate with all parts of the plant.

At the end, we could ask questions and learn more about the topics that interested us the most.
At the end our group received gifts from our hosts.

We would like to thank Mr. Paweł Bratkowski for a warm welcome and showing us around the plant.
It was a valuable ecological lesson for us, which we will use during the next days of the international meeting as part of our Become ECOnfident project.

  Romanian club is completing the work related to the launch of the school radio. The equipment needed for this purpose is already in the ...