Saturday 8 April 2023

 On April 5th, another working meeting of the Become ECOnfident project partners took place. This time, the meeting was attended by: Razvan Rotariu (Romania), Indrė Apuokienė (Lithuania), and Andrzej Smyk (Poland).

During the meeting, we discussed the recent local meetings of school clubs and the youth's ideas for their further development.

We also set the date for an online meeting, which will involve students from all three clubs. The meeting will take place on April 25th at 11:50 AM on the Zoom platform.

The dates for our international working meeting are already confirmed. It will take place from May 31st to June 2nd, 2023, in the Lublin Region. During the meeting, we will visit the center where the international youth meeting will later take place, we will also visit the J. Słowacki Primary School in Małochwiej Duży, and discuss the division of responsibilities and the logistics of the youth exchange.

The exchange itself will take place in July. During today's Zoom meeting, we set the date: July 18th-26th, 2023.

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  Romanian club is completing the work related to the launch of the school radio. The equipment needed for this purpose is already in the ...