Tuesday 12 September 2023

 Polish participants of our international ecoclubs meeting conducted a local presentation of the meeting's results for other Polish club members and for students of the J. Słowacki Primary School in Małochwiej Duży.

The presentation took place on 6th of September. Kasia Ciepałowicz, a participant of the international meeting in Motycz Leśny, presented its outcomes to classes 5 and 6. In total, 30 students participated in the presentations. Ela Ciepałowicz conducted presentations in classes 7 and 8, with 20 students in attendance.

We are pleased that thanks to the Polish club members, such a large group of young people learned about the activities within the Become ECOnfident project. Ela and Kasia, thank you for your activity, good job! We would like to thank for the coordination of the presentation to club supervisor - Renata Lewandowska and Rafał Lamorski from J. Słowacki Primary School in Małochwiej Duży.

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